Goat CAE Testing

Due to a recent nearby wildfire, we currently have no internet service at our lab and office. We apologize for delays as we work through this inconvenience and try to find work arounds to continue to provide our services. There is no estimate yet on when internet will be restored but they are having a crew look into it today.
The best way to reach us is via text: 208-963-5679
We will still be testing but results will be provided over the phone and emailed once internet service is restored.
Thank you for your patience and your business.

Goat Submission Form

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (CAE) is a persistent lentivirus infections of goats that is economically important to the goat industry. The CAE virus infects its hosts for life but most infected animals are subclinical and thus never develop symptoms. However, a minority of infected animals will develop progressive, untreatable symptoms including polyarthritis and mastitis in adults and encephalitis in kids. The virus decreases the lifetime productivity of dairy goats, especially in herds where the prevalence within the herd is high.CAE is mainly transmitted from infected dams to their kids by the ingestion of virus containing colostrum or milk. Horizontal transmission can also occur by direct contact and exposure to contaminated needles and other instruments. Both asymptomatic and symptomatic animals can transmit the virus.

Producers make significant management and culling decisions based on test results, so the test they use must be accurate and reliable. We offer an ELISA test manufactured by VMRD of Pullman, Washington. The assay has a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99.6%.

To use our CAE testing services please submit 2 mL of blood or 1 mL of serum. Please collect blood in red or tiger (grey and red) topped blood collection tubes. Check out our store to purchase the proper collection supplies.

CAE tests are run every Tuesday with results reporting Wednesday. Please download the Goat Submission Form if you are interested in fast, accurate CAE testing of your goats. Price is just $6.00 per sample.